Saturday, April 26, 2003

There were actually people at the gig @ Ralph's.
I was kinda worried after hearing no one was there for the shows
the previous weekend, but it was ok, decent crowd. Good time.

There is bad news though.
Yesterday after work, I was heading to Bedford to get those
pictures of the house when the engine in the wagon started
making the most awful noises... we hear the worst, but I have
not heard yet, officially.

So I'm driving the van, which is handy, because i just helped Mark
move the rest of his stuff out of Woonsocket and filled the van with
all the big trash like mattresses and broken microwaves and such.

I'm hungry, but broke... gotta look into getting my 401k money back

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Pictures got cancelled Tuesday: raining.
outdoor pictures of a house you're trying to sell on a miserable day aren't a good idea, I guess.

Got a last minute gig tonight at Ralph's with Snakes & Ladders.
So, now I've got a car full of expensive gear that's way too easy to break in to that I'll
be worrying about all day... at least until I have to unload it all at the end of the night.

I'm extremely broke/in debt
yet I bought $50 worth of cables so that I could play the show tonight...

The Bedford photos have been rescheduled to Friday, so perhaps I can switch with Dad and
get the Van after we're done taking photos. I'm almost looking forward to helping Mark get
the rest of his shit out and the girls get their shit in... this living semi-alone stuff isn't really
enjoyable or affordable.

And now off to work, which has been enjoyable over with the older kids. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

tomorrow, I move over to the older kids' side of the After-School Day Care.
It should be interesting. It will definitely be different.

Jen & Kris have moved some of their stuff in, they have a little bit of cleaning and painting to do and then it's all moving. I figure I'll borrow the van this weekend and we'll get some of their stuff in and some of the junk/Mark's stuff out. I'll have to get the van on thursday of friday...

Wednesday, we're playing the Wormtown Wednesday and tomorrow, I'm supposed to zip off to Bedford to get some more pictures.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

back home again, finally.
While I was getting stuff out of the car, last night, I managed to lock my keys in... before I had unlocked the door to the house. So I found out just how easy it is to break into my car through the Lexan back window. Needless to say, I had to empty my car of anything worth stealing and bring up the stairs into the apartment. That was not fun. But that was hours ago and I've had some good sleep since then.

I'm getting ready to head to my parents' house again, this time to see some of the family... sort of a split event between Easter and my Grandfather's birthday (which was Tuesday).

Now that the weekend is coming to a close, I find myself in a mood to summarize my favorite parts:

-playing Moonstruck again, and seeing Becky, even though it was sort of brief
-making my computer from 5 years ago almost as fast as my computer today, with about $200 worth of hardware.

-finding out that Sands might live across the street from Duncan
(they look so much alike - they are gradually becoming one person).
-hearing Shana play/sing all her great songs.
-our hilarious after-show dinner at Java Hut

So, how long has it been since I did an update on the life of John? Y'know what, don't answer that, I don't need to know. I'...